If Your Joke Is Good I Will Steal It

These are the inner workings of my selfish and dramatic mind. Hopefully you can learn from me.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

For The Record:

If MOL isn't coming to Bill/Grant/Trevor's on New Year's...I'm not either. And his wife must come, too. I HAVE to meet the greatness that is LLPH.

Seriously, though.

Oh and Dale has to come, and MOL Jr. & family, and Monique, and Johnny Depp, and the guys from Brokeback Mountain. Or I'm not coming.

Seriously, though.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I just found out that David Gray is playing with Aqualung in March. I'm SO going. Maybe I'll bring Lew with me. Or someone else. Definitely not Genslay, though.

Well, Christmas Is Over

...and it's time to start firing people. I threatened my boss last week that I would quit if he fired this guy right before Christmas, so he didn't. And today he did. The guy deserved to be fired (I guess) but it still sucks.

Sadly, I don't have anything even remotely interesting to say. Except that for Christmas my friend Alexis made a t-shirt with my sophomore high school picture on it. It's not so much embarrassing as it is painful to look at. So I apologize to anyone who might ever see it. I'm sorry to put you through the torture.

Hope everyone's Christmas was merry. And gay.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Like I Need Another Addiction!

It's almost Christmas! And I joined Buddytown. I have lots to post about today, so we'll start with Buddytown.

If you don't know what Buddytown is, you should. www.buddytown.org You can only join if you're invited, and each buddy in Buddytown is only allowed one invite. Buddytown already seems pretty MOL...we're not allowed to invite "douchebags" or anyone who is a loser...so that leaves a lot of you out. And there's a jail for people who break the "not being a douchebag" rule. But if you're interested in being a buddy in Buddytown...I'm taking applications. I will decide if you're worthy or not. (Please re-read the "about me" section on this page if you wonder why I love this.)

I get to be a bridesmaid in Lauren's wedding! Yea! Wanna know how she asked me? It was pretty awesome. We were at Casa Torres, waiting for a table, and she turns to me and says, "So...you wanna be a bridesmaid, or what?" That's how it went down. And I loved it. I know a lot of people ask their bridesmaids in some special or sweet way...but to me...this was special and sweet. Because it's exactly the way our friendship is...random, unexpected, and wonderful. I love you, Logan. And I love Tye for you. Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day!

You know how people introduce their husbands/wives as, "This is my better half."? I just found out how true this statement can be. I just met my boss's wife. And she is truly his better half. It makes you wonder how in the hell an asshole can get such a princess. Maybe someday I'll find my asshole? Here's hoping.

Well I guess that's all I had to post about. I'm sure I'll remember something else and post again today. It's pretty slow here at work. And I've got lots of food on my desk. I plan on sitting here all day long and eating. Let the fatness begin!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Christmas Gift To Men

Okay, gentlemen. Listen up...and listen good. I've decided to provide a few insights into the female mind. I've wanted to do this for quite some time, but I had to wait. Until like...when I didn't hate guys. Well, I guess now is good enough.

1. We talk about you behind your back. We will tell our friends if you're a good/bad kisser, good/bad boyfriend, mean person, idiot, etc. So watch your step. And your lips.
2. We write your last name with ours to see how it would look if we got married. But don't freak out ~ we do this with all guys. Our boyfriends, our guy friends, guys we're dating, etc. Just not our male relatives (unless they're a 3rd cousin, and then it's okay).
3. We will blame you when we eventually break up. It couldn't possibly be our fault, because nothing is. We HAVE to blame you in order to move on. We might befriend you later, but only after we have another boyfriend.
4. If we say "I don't care" where we eat or where we go, this is a lie. We do care. But we want you to provide us with suggestions so that we can choose.
5. If you ask us "what's wrong?" and we tell you "nothing!"...this is also usually a lie. But we need you to repeat the question at least two or three more times (depending on the girl) so we feel you really do care enough for us to waste the hour telling you what you've done wrong.
6. We're unstable, unpredictable and incapable of being understood. We don't even understand ourselves. Most of the time, when guys ask us for advice on a girl problem...we don't know the answer either. But we make something up that confuses you EVEN MORE because we are unable to tell you that we have NO CLUE what goes on in our minds.

Hopefully this thoroughly freaked you out and confused you. If so, my plan has worked.

Merry Christmas, and if you haven't bought your girlfriend her Christmas present yet...you should go have a few beers and hit the mall. And don't get something crappy, either. We'll know you got it on sale two days before Christmas.

DISCLAIMER: Please understand that these are not answers to your girl problems, just statements to let you know that ALL women are crazy. It's not specific to the girl you're dating...we're all this way.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Here is a list of Ten's. Please enjoy.

TEN: The number of jager-bombs I probably had at our company Christmas party last night.
TEN: The number of reasons why I should have a hangover today, but don't.
TEN: The number of Christmas cards I should write tonight...but won't.
TEN: My score on the hot-ness scale. Yep. I said it. I'm a ten.
TEN: The number of blogs I read each day.
TEN: The number of people I will need to help me drink the TWO bottles of alcohol I got today at work...pink vodka & champagne.

I thought this was going to be a lot more exciting...but I can't think of any more and I have to go file a bunch of stuff. So that's all you get. And maybe you're thinking, "Thank goodness this is all I have to read..."

Monday, December 19, 2005

These Are Things I Wonder...

*Is moving still exciting if you have a hangover?

*Will I always become paralized with fear when I see a red car hurling toward my rear bumper in stopping traffic?

*Why have I considered knitting to be "old woman-ish" until now?

*Is it bad if I think about quitting my job daily?

I can probably easily answer each question...I just like to leave things up in the air.

Hope your week doesn't suck,

Princess Christie

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

An Ambiguous Call-Out

Not blogging is a crime. Let's just get that out in the open. I have been walking a fine criminal line this past week by not blogging. So, my apologies. While most of what I say is not wise or even funny, I resign myself to my duty that is blogging. I may write total crap, but I will blog.

It is here that I am calling out those who haven't blogged in, oh, over a month. Or two. Or maybe even three! (heaven-forbid...I'm hunkering away from you so as not to be struck by a lightening bolt).

I am giving two thumbs up to those who blog at least semi-regularly...el MOL, Hit Factory, Genslay, johnthewhale. If your name is not found on this list, you probably fall in the second paragraph's category. You know who you are, and you should at least put SOMETHING new up on your blog. Or I will unlink you for not being a worthy blogger.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Bumper Cars

Going to a theme park and riding the "bumper cars" used to be so much fun when I was a kid! Not so much fun when you're an adult, driving on ice, watching cars constantly slide around...and much of the time, toward you! This was my experience last night during the three hour trek back to my little cave in the boonies I call home.

I'm also a little disheartened by not having "ice" or "snow days" anymore. Instead of work closing and allowing us all to have a fun day of playing outside with our friends, we are brought into the conference room to be told that we MUST make it to work. Our customers don't shut down, why should we? Growing up is a sad thing, my friends. When do I just get to go outside for the fun of it and throw a "sleet-ball" at someone? Or attempt to make a pitiful snowman?

Alright...enough complaining. I'm just happy I haven't gotten in a car wreck yet. I'll take that over playing outside any day.

Friday, December 02, 2005

A Good Laugh

I realize this is already the second time I've posted today, but...

I'm a huge myspace junkie. We have a bulletin board where people post a bunch of stupid and cool shit all the time. Here's a frequent post (or things similar to it):

I'M ENGAGED (title of the post)

SAY THIS SLOWLY:Jesus. I. love. you. and. I. need. you.If the title said "Jesus" would you have still opened it?Repost this within 5 minutes and title it:I'm Engaged. A miracle will happen tonight.P.S. Do not ignore*God works in mysterious ways

And I'm always thinking...ARE YOU KIDDING ME????????????? Way to try and get me to repost by guilting me into the fact that I might not have opened it if it has said "Jesus", then making me think that by reposting your stupid bulletin, that something good will happen as a result. Because, after all, God knows if you're going to repost or not, and you're pretty much the devil if you don't.

I refuse to repost it. Trickery never does anyone any good. Plus I really thought this guy was engaged. What a let-down.

Our Christmas Tradition

I first have to say that I have the greatest Dad ever.

For as long as I can remember, we've had this tradition. Whenever we decorate the Christmas tree or open our Christmas presents, we always listen to a tape that my Dad made AGES ago. It was a great tape, and one that held fond memories of great Christmases with my family.

One Christmas, I think it was 2001, he decided that he would make a CD of some old and new Christmas songs for us to listen to instead. He had recently gotten into downloading and buring CD's, and he was just really excited about it. Plus our tape was getting old and was to the point of almost wearing out from us listening to it so much! When I heard the CD, I told him we couldn't listen to it during our "traditional" Christmas times, since it didn't have all the same songs on it that the tape had. I basically boycotted the CD and complained every time it was played.

So for the past several Christmases, we have gone back to the tape. And this year, my Dad tried to sneak in ANOTHER new CD. This one had a lot of songs the old tape had on it, but still several of the new ones mixed in. After much more of my arguing, complaining, and simply being a brat, I was allowed to skip the "random" Christmas songs and listen to only the "traditional" ones.

When I got home last night, my Dad handed me a CD. The title is "The Christmas CD". And handwritten at the bottom it says, "For Official Use Only". :) For the past week, my Dad has been re-recording the old Christmas songs and compiling was what on the old tape, and in the exact same order. He gave it to me to listen to and "approve" to make sure that everything was on it and correct. I listened to the new "old" CD on my way to work this morning...and it was as if I had been given the best Christmas present ever. And yes, I cried. My Dad is so sweet. I approve of this CD...and will complain no more.

This proves to me two things: 1. How spoiled I am, and 2. How much my Dad loves me. Thanks, Dad. I love you so much.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Very exciting. I got to drive around last night and look at Christmas lights...or pre-Christmas lights, rather...and it was great. I've never seen such a display of beauty and crap in the same neighborhoods. Word to the wise: Don't FILL your yard with ornaments. It's obvious that you can't walk around in your grass...and it just looks awkward.

Oddly enough, the weather isn't Christmasy at all. Just normal, ever-changing, Texas weather. But I still love it. And I will break out my Mariah Carey Christmas CD and sing along as if there was snow falling from the sky! If only I knew what to get people for Christmas. Are crappy lawn ornaments a bad idea? I'm thinking they'll go on sale right before Christmas...