Here is a list of Ten's. Please enjoy.
TEN: The number of jager-bombs I probably had at our company Christmas party last night.
TEN: The number of reasons why I should have a hangover today, but don't.
TEN: The number of Christmas cards I should write tonight...but won't.
TEN: My score on the hot-ness scale. Yep. I said it. I'm a ten.
TEN: The number of blogs I read each day.
TEN: The number of people I will need to help me drink the TWO bottles of alcohol I got today at work...pink vodka & champagne.
I thought this was going to be a lot more exciting...but I can't think of any more and I have to go file a bunch of stuff. So that's all you get. And maybe you're thinking, "Thank goodness this is all I have to read..."
TEN: The number of jager-bombs I probably had at our company Christmas party last night.
TEN: The number of reasons why I should have a hangover today, but don't.
TEN: The number of Christmas cards I should write tonight...but won't.
TEN: My score on the hot-ness scale. Yep. I said it. I'm a ten.
TEN: The number of blogs I read each day.
TEN: The number of people I will need to help me drink the TWO bottles of alcohol I got today at work...pink vodka & champagne.
I thought this was going to be a lot more exciting...but I can't think of any more and I have to go file a bunch of stuff. So that's all you get. And maybe you're thinking, "Thank goodness this is all I have to read..."
At 3:12 PM,
Linda D said…
Can't help you with the drinks, I am nursing!!! Way too much information huh? Glad you read my posts, it makes it worth doing. Someday I will actually have to email you so that we can actually catch up, these comments do NOT count. Oh, and you are definitely a 10 on the hotness thing.....I am glad I have such a hottie as a friend, if I were not married, I would not want you to hang with me in public, you would get all the attention. By the way I have one Ten to add to your list:
Ten: the number of hours I would give my right arm to be able to sleep any night!!!!
At 8:41 PM,
Dale said…
That was the funniest post I have read in all of blog land in a long time. Love it. Maybe I should come back for more. I have never really read your blog that much.
At 7:01 AM,
Christie & Ellie said…
thanks, dale. i'll probably link you on my blog now that you think i'm funny. just don't read too often or you will get overwhelmed by the greatness of my lame blog.
linDUH! i hope you are getting some sleep. you have the most BEAUTIFUL little girl ever. i've been showing her pic's to people in my office. i have to brag when someone is THAT good looking! ;)
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