If Your Joke Is Good I Will Steal It

These are the inner workings of my selfish and dramatic mind. Hopefully you can learn from me.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Our Christmas Tradition

I first have to say that I have the greatest Dad ever.

For as long as I can remember, we've had this tradition. Whenever we decorate the Christmas tree or open our Christmas presents, we always listen to a tape that my Dad made AGES ago. It was a great tape, and one that held fond memories of great Christmases with my family.

One Christmas, I think it was 2001, he decided that he would make a CD of some old and new Christmas songs for us to listen to instead. He had recently gotten into downloading and buring CD's, and he was just really excited about it. Plus our tape was getting old and was to the point of almost wearing out from us listening to it so much! When I heard the CD, I told him we couldn't listen to it during our "traditional" Christmas times, since it didn't have all the same songs on it that the tape had. I basically boycotted the CD and complained every time it was played.

So for the past several Christmases, we have gone back to the tape. And this year, my Dad tried to sneak in ANOTHER new CD. This one had a lot of songs the old tape had on it, but still several of the new ones mixed in. After much more of my arguing, complaining, and simply being a brat, I was allowed to skip the "random" Christmas songs and listen to only the "traditional" ones.

When I got home last night, my Dad handed me a CD. The title is "The Christmas CD". And handwritten at the bottom it says, "For Official Use Only". :) For the past week, my Dad has been re-recording the old Christmas songs and compiling was what on the old tape, and in the exact same order. He gave it to me to listen to and "approve" to make sure that everything was on it and correct. I listened to the new "old" CD on my way to work this morning...and it was as if I had been given the best Christmas present ever. And yes, I cried. My Dad is so sweet. I approve of this CD...and will complain no more.

This proves to me two things: 1. How spoiled I am, and 2. How much my Dad loves me. Thanks, Dad. I love you so much.


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