If Your Joke Is Good I Will Steal It

These are the inner workings of my selfish and dramatic mind. Hopefully you can learn from me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

An Ambiguous Call-Out

Not blogging is a crime. Let's just get that out in the open. I have been walking a fine criminal line this past week by not blogging. So, my apologies. While most of what I say is not wise or even funny, I resign myself to my duty that is blogging. I may write total crap, but I will blog.

It is here that I am calling out those who haven't blogged in, oh, over a month. Or two. Or maybe even three! (heaven-forbid...I'm hunkering away from you so as not to be struck by a lightening bolt).

I am giving two thumbs up to those who blog at least semi-regularly...el MOL, Hit Factory, Genslay, johnthewhale. If your name is not found on this list, you probably fall in the second paragraph's category. You know who you are, and you should at least put SOMETHING new up on your blog. Or I will unlink you for not being a worthy blogger.



  • At 3:28 AM, Blogger Linda D said…

    Well, I do try to blog :) Thanks for commenting on my site even though I don't on yours....I promise to comment on yours now okay? Well, it is 5 a.m. and I just updated mine, I think you will like it so take a look! I better try to get some sleep before Hannah wakes up for yet another feeding!!!

  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger el mol said…

    blasphemous minute did three things in taiwan

    occasionally teach

    bm does to things in the US



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