If Your Joke Is Good I Will Steal It

These are the inner workings of my selfish and dramatic mind. Hopefully you can learn from me.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Some days you just need a good laugh. I accomplished this at 5:40 p.m. today. Finally. How, you might ask?

Can't Touch This.

I think the best part about my laughter was that I remember LOVING this song. And Hammer Pants. And the "MC Hammer" dance. I might just get up and do it. No one's watching...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Ketchup Looks Like Blood

Inner: more exclusive, influential or important.
Circle: a group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement.
Alcohol: intoxicating liquor containing alcohol.
Party: a social gathering especially for pleasure or amusement.

I would like to properly and officially thank HitFactory & SweetClean for a bad ace party! Your house is freaking awesome and the food was unbelievable (thanks Annie)! And fortunately, there was JUST enough tequila. The Inner Circle is fortunate to have gracious hosts such as yourself, TheCoastIsNeverClear, and MOL. I look forward to the Super Bowl! I have some sweet pictures I'd love to post from Saturday, but sadly, I do not know how. Maybe I can bribe someone to teach me.

*Definitions courtesy of dictionary.com.

Friday, January 27, 2006

How Have I Missed This For So Long?

Well, obviously, someone got fired today. It's kind of a ritual we have where I work. It literally ISN'T Friday without someone getting fired. Sucks. But I guess that's life?

NOW...how have I missed The Office for so long? I have watched the British version on DVD, and it was funny. But last night I caught the last 15-20 minutes or so of the new show...and it is FREAKING HILARIOUS! I have gotten addicted to some stupid shows in my time...Laguna Beach, Desperate Housewives, etc...but THIS show is greatness. I will be blocking out my Thursday nights from now on. Well, unless I have something better to do.

I wish everyone a great weekend. I'm counting down the minutes until I go to a short happy hour with the other admin to complain about our job and what happened today. And I'm counting down the hours until HitFactory and SweetClean's party. I anticipate it being very memorable. Will someone please bring tequila for SweetClean?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Definitely Not PG

Got called into a sexual harrassment meeting regarding something that was said to me.

Found out a friend of the family had a stroke yesterday. She's married with kids. She's 35.

Got rust on my khaki pants...who knows how.

Overall: A great day so far. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say today is definitely shitty.

*What the hell? Sorry...I think I'm just tired...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Do I Look Like Charlie?

I would like to start off by saying - Yes, I realize I am an administrative assistant. Now on to the venting...

I am asked to do or create or find millions of random things a day. That is part of my job. I am asked to fax, file and answer the phone. That is also part of my job. But when did it become part of my job to keep candy, change and cigarettes available for the masses? I constantly have people asking to bum a cigarette, or to borrow some change...and now...today I get asked why I don't have any CHOCOLATE! Do I look like a candy machine? Do I own a Chocolate Factory? No? Then leave me alone!

The REAL issue is that I am too damn nice sometimes. I let people bum and borrow all they want...and instead of saying "No", I complain or blog about it. Basically, I'm a huge wuss. But I think we all knew that anyway...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

"Once, there was this girl who..."

Yes, I am listening to Launchcast Radio at work. And yes, I'm listening to Big Hits of the 90's. I kind of missed the 80's and 90's...due to censorship by my parents. Kiss FM was prohibited. And I, it's sad to say, missed most of the greatest music ever! Such as the Crash Test Dummies song, "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm". Hearing this song always brings me back to times at DBU when my friend Peter would sing this at work. At first I thought he was making it up. Although the genuis of this song goes unmatched...it does seem as if almost anyone could write that stuff...

I'm going with a group of friends to watch a "local band" play tonight at Haley's in Denton. At least that's what my friends told me - "Yeah, some local band is playing that Nicole and Cindy want to see. You wanna come?" Who is playing? Radiant. Figures that I'd be going to see a bunch of guys I went to college with. I laughed. I'll be there! I still remember that first day of SWAT...eating lunch at Chick-Fil-A with Daniel Hopkins & Brian Something. We already couldn't stand the cafeteria food...

I'm so FREAKING excited about the MOL Nation Red & White Partay! Woo-hoo! I'll get to meet more of the bloggers I've interacted with. And share a few beers or blasters with some good old friends. A big thanks to whoever Sarah is...thanks for hosting like 800 people at your house! You're so brave.

Logan - I want to have a slumber party. You, me, HomeStarRunner, Kayle, Jess, whoever. I don't care. As long as you and HSR are there, I'm happy. Let's do it, dude. Cause pretty soon you're gonna be all married and shit and moving to KENTUCKY! Oh and your last name will be Rambo. Can I call you Logan the Rambonator? I like it.

"The Mac Dad'll make ya...Daddy Mac'll make ya...Kris Kross'll make ya...Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

~You know where to find me this weekend. If you do find me, I'll buy you a blaster in my honor. Good luck & let the games begin.

Monday, January 16, 2006

In Lieu

In lieu of posting a very stereotypical and potentially racist blog, I will talk about my weekend. Actually...I have one statement. "Beggars can't be choosers." That's all.

I had a wonderful dinner with good friends on Friday night. I have never eaten at Houston's before - and they had possibly the best steak I have ever put in my mouth! Kayle had the turkey club, a little of Matt's steak, and some of Lauren's couscous. As we got out of the car at their apartment..."I think I got mayonnaise all over myself." She's definitely in the runnings for "Cutest Pregnant Lady Ever".

On to Shreveport! It was great! I had such an amazing time. Our matching traveling outfits were a big hit at the casino...with such comments as, "Look! It's three twins!" and "Hey, are those your pajamas?" and "Aren't you the girls from earlier who were wearing sweatpants?" I think people noticed us.

I did lose ALL the money I took to gamble with...fortunately it was a blast. Tim told me to learn how to enjoy gambling whether you're losing or winning...and I think I did. I found my love for penny slots (Hot Hot Penny was the best!) and blackjack. I owe a big win on a double down to a large older man in an orange shirt. Buddy, thanks for helping me out! Candice scored big on the nickel slot within the first five minutes we were there...$100! Needless to say, she enjoyed her weekend.

I will definitely go back to Shreveport. And hopefully we can take a bigger group next time. I will forewarn you though - if you go with me - you're gonna have to get a traveling outfit. And they will have to match. So that next time we can be "7 twins!" or something uneducated like that.

Peace, Love & Hot Hot Penny (She really isn't as Hot Hot as you'd think.)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Entirely Random.

It's such a tease when I get onto myspace and it says I have New Messages & New Friend Requests...and I don't.

Guys in bands should not ~ wear sleeveless shirts on stage: 1.) if they are fat, 2.) if they have really hairy upper arms. It's freakin' sick.

Almost getting in a car wreck isn't as scary if you're in a big truck.

In order to cheat, you have to be able to READ your cheat sheet and understand it. I'm totally gonna blow it at the blackjack tables this weekend. I'll have a few drinks and not remember whether "H" stands for "Hold" or "Hit". I think I'll just ask someone.

Two new bands I like (not NEW but new to ME): Nada Surf & Eli Young. Check it out.

I fell up the stairs walking in to work today. Every once in a while we all need a little public humiliation to keep us humble. (Okay whatever. I still think I'm the coolest person alive.)

There should be more that we can do to console or stand by our friends sometimes. Sometimes there's nothing we can do other than watch them go through the pain (physical or emotional or both) and be there for them the best way we know how. Sometimes that just doesn't seem like enough.

Dag, Yo.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Aspire To "Lurk"

This weekend you can find me, along with three of my friends, "lurking" around hot slot machines. Yes...it is true! I will be going to Shreveport for my first time EVER! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Not to mention the fact that we have matching "traveling" outfits (your standard pants/zip-up hoodie top) to wear. Our goal is to look as old-ladyish as possible. Hopefully this will be an exciting trip where I get to spend time with good friends, eat good food, and win BIG MONEY! I probably won't, though. But if you have any blackjack tips...I'm listening! I will definitely do a Shreveport "follow-up" post to let you know how much I lost/won and anything and everything that I see there.

~Peace, Love & Shiny Quarters

Saturday, January 07, 2006

This Is Weird!

Right now I'm sitting at the Toyota Dealership getting my car aligned. And I love the Business Center things they have going on...it means that Christie will not get bored because she can play on the internet! Yea for that! It's weird though. Cool, but weird! "I....love technology..."

My pregnant friends are REALLY growing right along! If you haven't stopped by Matt & Kayle's website recently, they have some new pics up...and Heath & Janelle have posted some new ones, too! Wow. I can't believe they're having kids! Little Hannah Darjean is really getting big as well...her facial expressions are SO cute and I have to say - some of my favorite pictures of her are the ones where she's throwing up gang signs. She's so ghetto. I'll have to take her to a club soon. :)

I don't have anything else exciting or even funny to say. Sorry. I know it's disappointing! Don't cry though...I'm sure something outrageous will happen to me this weekend that I can rant about on Monday. Ew...I have to go to work on Monday...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yes, I'm Using The "L" Word

I LOVE Texas football. I cannot say it enough. It's totally worth the baggy eyes (that people have commented on) and the fatigue I feel today. Here's hoping Vince Young will be back for another year at Texas...but knowing he probably shouldn't be. Here's wishing Matt Leinart a better attitude about their loss...and knowing he will still believe that USC is "a better team".

Three cheers for the Longhorns holding off on a "Three-Peat" (one of my favorite fan signs last night...people are so damn clever). I don't even care who wins the Super Bowl.

I think I'm changing my sports crush from Lew Forde to Vince Young. I just dig that burnt orange skull cap he wears all the time. He's McDreamy. (Hit Factory - can I still get out of that baby deal or is it too late?)

Peace, Love & Texas Football ~

Princess Christie

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

To Laugh or Not To Laugh

I was informed, after the fact, that my New Year's enjoyment may have become a little "obnoxious" or "annoying" or "loud" at times. I regret (but don't apologize) that I appeared that way at some points...yet I have to come back with ~ HEY! At least I wasn't crying or professing my love embarrassingly to someone*. (*Not that this happened...I'm just proving that it could have been worse.)

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year's! I know that I sure did. And I think the people at The Londoner enjoyed my presence for a few hours...and for the people at Bill/Grant/Trevor's...I'll say this:

At least Dale thinks I'm funny.

Peace out, bitches.