If Your Joke Is Good I Will Steal It

These are the inner workings of my selfish and dramatic mind. Hopefully you can learn from me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tell me now or FOREVER hold your peace!

So another one of my friends is pregnant! Congrats to Peter and Melissa Murrell! Their baby is due June 2nd and they will find out if it is a boy or girl on December 27th!

Okay but seriously...if anyone else is pregnant or getting engaged...please just tell me now. I'm gonna have a heart attack and I'd rather get it over with all at once. It's much easier that way!

Alright. You caught me. I'm so happy I could get up out of my chair and dance! No but seriously...tell me now or forever hold your peace. I'm riding a wave of emotion from normal to HAPPY to normal to HAPPY...I'm starting to get dizzy. And seasick.

They should name their baby Princess. Or Christie. Those have always been two of my favorites!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Beer vs. Conversation

Is it a sign of growing up or a craving for people that brings me here? I am coming to realize that the thrill of a deep conversation far overshadows the buzz I get from drinking alcohol, hanging out, and acting like a high-schooler with old friends. Not that I don't enjoy it...I definitely do. But there is something far more strong and intense about a deep or lively conversation. Or the Hit Factory making fun of someone. That's always lively.

In all honesty, I had a great time with old friends this weekend...people doing kegstands and acting all kinds of stupid. I love them, they make me laugh, and I enjoy reminiscing about the old days. I genuinely enjoy seeing them and catching up on what's going on in their lives. Yet, I still crave something deeper...something more than the surfacey, superficial relationship I have with many of them.

Therefore, I will try my best to be at The Old Monk tonight to join in the festivities. And hopefully we can get the best of both worlds...beer AND conversation. What a glorious combination.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Confused? Get God.

I'm sure this is on a t-shirt somewhere. It makes me laugh to imagine it. I'm definitely going through a time of "confusion" right now. Maybe not confusion so much as seeking and questioning. And it's weird how much I'm actually enjoying it. I love being able to talk about the stuff I'm going through with people who are close to me, without having them try to lead me one way or another. I'm thankful for that.

My Thanksgiving weekend was fantastic. It couldn't have been any better. I ate and ate and ate until I was sure I was going to die, spent time with family, decorated the Christmas tree, watched football, caught up with good friends, didn't do a BIT of shopping...and didn't miss it at all! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday as much as I did mine.

Oh, and Tis the Season to Get Engaged! Three people got engaged over the holiday weekend...sounds like this summer will be weddings galore! As usual. I don't know why I'm acting shocked! ;) A special congrats to Logan and Jessica. I'm so happy to see both of you in love and getting married. You deserve every bit of happiness!

This cheesy post is officially over. Out.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is having a great day! Now on to the BIG night from last night...my friend Logan is engaged! Congratulations!!!!

Today has already been great. Watched the parade, shot some skeet, hanging out with "The Slasher" and my parents and watching some football. Turkey dinner is pending...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Okay ONE more thing...

I just had to post this. Tonight is a BIG night. A big BIG night! And I can't tell you why. But I'll post about it soon.

How's that for a teaser? :)

Things that are HOME to me

I love days like today. I'm sitting at work listening to my new Ryan Adams CD (thanks BM!) and loving it. Fortunately after 6 months of working here, I finally figured out that my computer has a CD drive in it. Yep. I'm waaaay into technology.

The first song just gives me a really good feeling inside. The same kind of feeling I get when I see/hear/smell/think of something that reminds me of "home". To a lot of people "home" is the house you grew up in, or the times you spent at grandma's house on holidays. To me, "home" is so much more. It's when everything inside me feels all "put together" and at peace with the world. When everything just feels right. This song made me start thinking of all the things that make me feel at home. Here are a few:

Watching my parents laugh and joke around together.
My brother making fun of me during family dinner.
Spending time with the "Inner Circle".
Smelling Matt's old cologne.
Watching Garden State.
Standing outside under the stars and smoking a cigarette when it's cold.
Eating corn. MAN I love corn.
Cuddling under a blanket and watching a movie.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Things not to do or say from the pulpit

I found this today in the little Bible I carry in my car. It was a handout given to us on Father's Day at church this year...I had to keep it because I was so utterly shocked. This survey was supposed to be taken during church and then given to your father later that day. It has a place to circle "Yes" or "No" to each statement.

1. Dad makes me a priority in his life.
2. Dad shows me that he loves me.
3. Dad is fair in his decisions.
4. Dad admits when he is wrong.
5. Dad spends enough time with me.
6. Dad controls his anger and words.
7. Dad listens to what I say.
8. Dad respects me.
9. Dad provides spiritual leadership.

Since when is Father's Day a day to berate or criticize fathers? The family I was with has been estranged from their father for quite some time. The three children sat together during church filling out the survey and laughing.

This sermon and demonstration compares only to the time when I was younger and the preacher mentioned FROM THE PULPIT that Santa Claus was not real. I hope that I have not just done the same thing he did by writing this in a blog...but I don't believe that I have any young readers. Unless Hit Factory still doesn't know the truth, and then for that, I am truly sorry. Santa will still visit you this year (meaning I now have to go buy you a present).

Still shocked when all this came screaming back to me,

Princess Christie

Monday, November 21, 2005


How could I forget? Hi Logan.

For those of you who do not know Logan, you're missing out. Here are some interesting facts:

She has a sexy phone voice in the morning. Her last name will most likely eventually be "Rambo". She pushed her little brother down in front of her mom's car (while she was driving it) in order to beat him in a footrace. Her hair is red. She's the best MASHR partner ever.

I hope this is a "real" blog

I'm hoping this can now be considered a "real" blog. For you see, when Hit Factory established his new blog, he was told that it was not a real blog. At least until he linked el MOL. So I have figured out the damn html stuff and linked el MOL to my blog. If you're one of my xanga readers...go check him out. He's his own world of greatness.

This is what I know today:

The weather is amazing. Baja Fresh has really good pico de gallo. I think purchase orders are of the devil. I love my cell phone. I hate my phone at work. Getting a complaint from "Corporate" has the same burning feeling as what happens approximately an hour after eating spicy Mexican food. Ryan Adams is amazing.

I think that's about it.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I'll be the band!

friday the 18th was definitely the best. next to saturday. let's begin...

the welcome home/birthday party was unbelievable. it included: patron, mekong and the usage of grant's fantastic checkerboard shot glasses, people drinking other people's beer, hair cuts, two stepping, eye doctoring, undesired revelations, drunk interviewing & "bad" beer, a phone call from aaron millikan, a jet-lagged, exhausted and confused BM, clouds of smoke coming from mouths i didn't expect, the long-awaited meeting of Jason Mitchell aka: el MOL, my forgetting Judson's name - AGAIN, and much MUCH more. genslay...oh how you were missed! it didn't feel right meeting el MOL without you there.

the ben fold's concert on saturday was surreal. all that i had hoped and dreamed for...and more. i was a part of the largest and best-sounding choir i have ever heard. BF did in fact, rock that bitch. he rocked nokia until i thought my legs were going to give from standing. i was then able to spend some much anticipated hours smoking and catching up with one of my dearest friends in the whole world. i can't say how glad i am that you're back.

hopefully everyone else enjoyed themselves as much as i did. a big thanks to our gracious hosts bill, grant, and trevor (yes, trevor, i love you). you guys made it all possible.

so come pick me up, i've landed.